“Why, if we can get back to our own world by jumping into this
pool, mightn’t we get somewhere else by jumping into one of the others?
Supposing there was a world at the bottom of every pool.”
C.S Lewis - The Magician's Nephew
I've sometimes had a secret fantasy that one day when passing by a particularly clear watery reflection that I would jump in and instead of emerging soaked I would continue to fall directly into another world, one of fantasy and magic.
Of course its just a fantasy but when I set out recently to take photos its something I bore in mind as I scoured the streets looking for puddles that reflected the world around me.
Its been raining non stop for the last week and the UK is groaning under the weight of all the water that has poured down upon the streets.
Out of all this bad weather however came the most amazing opportunities for photography as black and gold patches of water stretched across its lanes.
And though it was challenging, through patient effort I was able to create a number of images that reflected this fantasy. A series of photos which hinted that the depth of these reflections held something more. At a world at the bottom of every pool.