The sea erodes things, its one of the truly ironic facts of our planets that the ocean that gave birth to us is constantly seeking to break down every part of the land that it touches.
Whether it is by its slow erosion of our shores by the constant action of its waves, the devastating effects that a storm by the sea can have on our homes, the poisonous effects of the high amounts of salt that the sea contains or the corrosive effect of sea water on metal that causes it to rust away. The sea is constantly at war with the land.
But in the same breath that the sea may take away it also gives back. It is the primordial womb from which all life was born, it is a haven for an extraordinarily diverse number of life forms, by evaporation it gives us life giving rain and by its physical processes it regulates our planet and its temperature.
Sadly though little by little man is being equally corrosive to it. We dump copious amounts of chemicals and litter into the sea, we over fish it until less and less of its abundant life remains, we heat our planet, melting ice caps and causing the very oceans to creep slowly and inevitably upwards.
The sea is our lifeblood and slowly, little by little we inject poison and filth directly into that vein until we ourselves are poisoned. The truth is that as much as the sea may take away, it at least gives as much if not more back, maybe we should try to be doing the same.
If not we may be left with an ocean that is little more then just rust and water.
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